The name "Funan" was applied to the earliest state in the Mekong delta, which emissaries visited during the third and sixth centuries AD. Funan encompassed much of the southern portion of the Indochina Peninsula, including territory that is today southern Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar and all of Cambodia.
Inhabitants of Funan probably spoke a Malayo‐Polynesian language, as in neighboring Champa, and were heavily influenced both politically and culturally by South Asia.
Funan reached the height of its power in the fourth and fifth centuries AD. Funan was part of large trading networks. Trade goods from as far as Rome, Arabia, Central Asia and perhaps East Africa have been found in its ruin.
Between 514-539 King Rudravarman reigns in Funan as the last great king, He is a devotee of Vishnu and encourages the worship of this Hindu go throughout his kingdom.
By the start of the sixth century rivalries and wars among the Funan rulers had began to weaken their kingdom.
In 550 Bhavavarman, Rudrvarman’s grandson, marries a Chenla princess, becomes king of Chenla and seizes Funan, ending to the independent Funan kingdom probably just before 600.
Kingdom of Funan
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
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