The pre-Armenians are thought by many specialists to have been one group of Thraco-Phrygian invaders who moved across the Hellespont and into Anatolia about 1200 BC.
It was due to the power vacuum in Anatolia created by the collapsed of the Hittite kingdom.
According to the Greek tradition, the earliest Phrygians were immigrants from Macedon and Thrace. The Phrygians came sometime before the Trojan War in the middle of the thirteenth century.
The Phrygians took up residence and later the settlement became capital of the empire founded by the Phrygian king Gordios.
The Phrygian civilization has taken on an Anatolian character. The Phrygians had established an empire extending for Taurus Mountains and the kingdom of Uratu on the eastern to the Lydian border on the west.
With abundant resources and an advantages location, they flourished and developed as advanced civilization.
The Phrygian Empire was defeated by the Cimmerians, a displaced people probably originating north of the Black Sea. According to tradition, the people of Cimmerians arrive at the beginning of the seventh century BC. The king of Midas committed suicide and in 696 BC nomadic Cimmerians have sacked the capital of Gordion.
Phrygians Empire (1200–700 B.C)
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
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