Monday, February 9, 2015

Zhou dynasty (1045 - 256 BC)

The first urban settlements in the People’s Republic of China emerged some 4000 years ago. Many historians considered Shang dynasty as the first true dynasty of China.

Shang dynasty rules the Chinese civilization from about 1700 to 1027 BC before it was succeeded by the Zhou dynasty. The origins of Chinese culture, literature and philosophy developed during the Zhou Dynasty.

Concept of the ‘Mandate of Heaven’ was developed during the Zhou Dynasty. A ruler was in position because he had the Mandate of Heaven.

Iron was first introduced in China during this period, the art of fine gastronomy was referred to as ‘k’o’peng’, namely ‘to cut and cook’. It was said that Confucius (551 – 479 BC) that he would eat no meat that had not been properly cut.

During Zhou dynasty, examinations have been characteristics of school education and were used to select talented people to serve as offci8cials in provinces and villagers.

With the development of technology and military tactics hand to hand combat skills and weapon skills appeared in military training in the Spring and Autumn Period (770 – 476 BC). During this period Wushu began to be practiced by civilian.

In the last period of the Zhou, Confucius and Mencius supplied Chinese civilization with its most influential public philosophy, later to be known as Confucianism. Confucius made great impacts on late generations of Chinese and on the curriculum of the Chinese educational system for much of the following 2000 years.
Zhou dynasty (1045 - 256 BC)

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