In 330 BC Alexander the Great conquers the Persian Empire. Later in 247 BC the Parthians push the Greeks from Iran and they established the Parthian Empire.
‘Parthians’ is the generic name given by the Romans (and the Greeks before them) to a land owning military aristocracy, who rule at one time or another from the Euphrates to the Indus. Originally nomads, the Parthians came from Central Asia.
‘Parthia’ consisted basically of modern Iran and Iraq. Parthians rules extended their empire into Armenia and India. Although they rules for 500 years, their power was constantly attacked by the Romans and by wandering Afghan tribes.
The Parthian form of warfare suited the desert, oasis, stepped and highland topography of Middle East, Persia and Central Asia very well. In contrast the Roman Empire relied mainly upon heavy infantry legions, supported by the navy as circumstances necessitated.
The Roman Empire found it difficult to defeat the Parthian Empire, whose main battlefield fighting force was cavalry.
In 224 AD the Persians wrested control over the former Achaemenid Empire, marking the beginning of the Sassanid Empire.
Parthian Empire of Iran and Iraq
Monday, October 30, 2017
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