Starting around 1600 BC, the Hittites assembled their own empire in western Asia and even threatened the power of the Egyptians. According to Biblical records, the Hittites were descendents of Heth, a grandson of Ham. They built a fabulous civilization on the Anatolia.
They migrated onto the Anatolia, the area now known as Turkey, where they found people already living. These people were descents of Japheth who had entered Turkey from the Black Sea area. The two groups joined together and were called the Hittites.
During its height, the Hittites demonstrated an interesting ability to assimilate other cultures into its own. In languages, literature, art, law and religion, the Hittites borrowed much from Mesopotamia as well as the native peoples that they had subdued.
They are said to be a warlike people. Their greatest contributions were the development of agriculture, trade and iron. They established their city-states, each ruled by a tribal chieftain. Eventually, these city-states were united about 1750 BC by Bijustis, who became the first Hittite King.
The Hittites were the first people after the Flood to rediscover the uses for iron. By 2000 BC they had developed and improved method of refining iron that made it stronger. They were the first people in history to mine, smelt and utilize iron in making tools and weapons.
After 1200 BC the Hittites mysteriously vanished. They were probably conquered by invaders from the Aegean Islands.
Hittites civilization
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
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